About me

A bit about me...

Ever since I can remember I have always loved books, particularly fantasy and grew up imaging myself the daring heroine in far off worlds of full of magic and adventure.

But, despite having an overactive imagination, I never thought I had what it took to be a writer and I earned my first-class honours degree in English Literature and Sociology without ever taking a single creative writing module.

After university I joined 'the real world' of work and did what anyone who earns an almost completely useless degree does .... decided to become an accountant. That lasted until I had my son.

It is only since having my kids that I have rekindled my passion for writing. Now I can hardly tear myself away from the keyboard and there is rarely a night when I'm not tapping away.

When I'm not writing I'm usually running around after my three children, cuddled up on the sofa with a book (sometimes I allow my husband to join me) or walking our two spaniels.

pile of Bible on brown surface
pile of Bible on brown surface
Forest during daytime
Forest during daytime